Principles of transparency and best practice

Authors' rights
Studia linguistica romanica does not charge a fee for the processing of contributions or any other fee. If accepted, contributions are published freely and immediately according to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. The authors keep their copyrights and cede the right of the first publication to the journal. The contributions can be used freely by others, provided the authors and years of publication are cited. Authors can republish their contributions in edited volumes or as chapters of a book, on the condition that the initial publication in this journal is cited. The authors also have the right and are encouraged by Studia linguistica romanica to republish their contributions immediately after publication in any version (submitted, accepted, published) on the websites of their institutions, on their personal websites or in a repository of their choice, in order to promote the diffusion of their contributions and increase the reputation of the journal, with the same condition that the initial publication is cited.

Authorship of submitted manuscript
The authors must ensure that they have written entirely original manuscripts and that the studies and words of others they have used have been cited correctly. The authors should also cite the publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the manuscript. They should not submit the same text to more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical and unacceptable behavior.
The authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the manuscript. All persons who have made significant contributions should be listed as authors. All authors are accountable for the manuscript and its published form. Persons who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the manuscript but do not meet the criteria of authorship should be acknowledged.
The corresponding author should ensure that all authors are included on the manuscript, have seen and approved its final version and have agreed to the submission to the journal.

Authors' conflicts of interest
All authors should declare in their manuscript any conflict of interest that might influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for work on the manuscript should be declared.

Data sharing
Authors are required to make all data associated with their manuscript openly available for a reasonable amount of time. They should explain where these data can be found. When it is not possible to share research data publicly, this should be clearly stated and motivated. Authors should not knowingly amend or alter their data to suit their own analyses or argument.

Post-publication correction
In the event that authors identify an important error or inaccuracy in their published article, they must inform the editorial team and provide all the necessary information to make the appropriate corrections.

Authors' research misconduct
Allegations of research misconduct of authors, however they are brought to the journal's attention, will be examined carefully by the editorial team and may lead to the refusal of a submitted manuscript or to the retraction of a published article.

The editorial team may retract a published article for one of the following reasons:
- The results are unreliable, either due to a major error or due to fabrication or falsification.
- The article constitutes plagiarism.
- The article has previously been published elsewhere without disclosure to the editorial team.
- It contains material without authorization for use or infringes copyright.
- The authors did not declare a major conflict of interest.

Evaluation of submitted articles
Each submitted article that meets the basic criteria regarding topic and scientific quality is double-blind evaluated by two external reviewers. The primary aim of the evaluation is to help authors to improve the quality of their manuscript and not to reject submissions, raise rejection percentages or discourage authors. Before evaluation, manuscripts are checked for plagiarism.
At submission, the authors are invited to suggest two reviewers. Typically, the editorial team accepts one of the two, but it reserves the right not to contact the suggested persons. The authors may also exclude persons with due justification. The editorial team never invites reviewers who have been excluded by the authors.
The reviewers have up to 42 days to write their evaluations in English, French, Italian or Spanish in a predefined form. In addition, each article is evaluated by at least one member of the editorial team. The external and internal evaluations are neither signed nor published with the articles.
The editorial team's decision to accept or reject an article is based on the external and internal evaluations. If the three evaluations do not allow for a decision, an additional external evaluation will be commissioned. The decision is one of the following: accept submission, minor revisions required, major revisions required, submit to another journal, reject submission. An article is accepted only after the revisions have been checked by the editorial team and, if necessary, by the external reviewers. After being informed about the acceptation of the article, the authors prepare the final text according to the instructions of the journal's style sheet.

External reviewers' conflicts of interest
In principle, neither the authors nor the external reviewers know each other's identity. If external reviewers happen to know the identity of an author, this does not automatically disqualify them as reviewers. Moreover, they are allowed to identify themselves if they choose to do so and if they think that a personal discussion will help improve the quality of the manuscript. At any rate, they should have no secondary interests besides the scientific quality of the manuscript, such as personal rivalry or a personal interest in the success of the author.

Complaints against external reviewers
Complaints against an external reviewer will be examined by the editorial team and may lead to the reassignment of the submitted manuscript.

Decision-making in the editorial team
All major decisions regarding the journal, submissions and publications are discussed and made by the entire editorial team. If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, a ballot is held in which each member of the editorial team has a vote. In the event of a tie of votes, the journal director is entitled to a casting vote.

Conflicts of interest of the members of the editorial team
In principle, the members of the editorial team are not supposed to submit articles, book reviews or proposals for thematic issues. If, exceptionally, a member of the editorial team makes a submission, the submitted manuscript must be assigned to another editor. Under no circumstances should the author intervene in the evaluation process.

Complaints against the journal or against members of the editorial team
Complaints against the journal or members of the editorial team will be examined and discussed by the entire editorial team.