Unités grammaticales et particule discursive « quoi »
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discourse marker
OFROM corpus
spoken French
Swiss French


Within the framework of oral corpus segmentation into units at multiple levels (SegCor project), we focus on segmentation hints on the macro-syntactic level, notably on the particle quoi. With this contribution, we seek to discuss a conclusion of Chanet (2001), who observes that the French particle quoi appears within syntactical units. Following other authors (Teston-Bonnard 2006; Hölker 2010; Lefeuvre 2011), we argue in favor of a particle quoi placed at the end of units and seek to determine the type(s) of units after which that particle could be placed. The data used for this study is the OFROM corpus, more specifically the corpus of French as spoken in Suisse Romande. The macro-syntactic units of analysis considered here are the ones defined by the Fribourg approach.

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