
In order to submit a contribution you have to register for the journal (don't forget to activate the checkbox Author in User Roles). If you are already registered log in directly and follow the instructions of the website. If you have any problems with the registration or the submission, please write to us. Articles can be submitted at any time. If accepted, articles received before the end of March are published the following autumn and articles received before the end of September are published the following spring.

The submission of an article implies that the latter has not been published before and that, at present, it is not being reviewed by another journal or by the editor of a volume. The article must be written in French, Italian or Spanish and be accompanied by two abstracts with 1000 characters (including spaces) in the language of the text and in English. The recommended maximum length of the submitted article is 60000 characters (including spaces).

Please submit an anonymous version of the article, as ODT file and formatted according to the instructions of the journal's style sheet. Do not forget to delete the author name in the document properties.